Happiness and Freedom
Everyone has a enneagram type and everyone has experienced suffering. The good news is that suffering is not necessary. It is actually simple to be free from suffering. You just need to choose to stop resisting what is happening in this present moment. Accept, and if possible, enjoy it.
Of course, even though this is simple, it's not necessarily easy. Every person has got momentum going which resists accepting the present. Through years and years of this drive motivating us through life it can be difficult to train ourselves into a more relaxed state. But it is possible! And when we do relax into who we really are, we find our enneagram number to be a gift instead of a curse. Click here to see examples of people who are using/have used their fixation in a heroic way.
I have made a sequence of videos and to show how each enneagram type moves away from the state of joy towards despair. They also show how, at any point, it is possible to move back towards joy. I am inspired by many teachers, especially Abraham-Hicks, A. H. Almaas and Eckhart Tolle. In my own way, I have tried to express an authentic 'feel' for what it is like to be each type.
Click on the numbers below to be taken to that particular video. You can go to my sister site 'The Forgotten Game' to get more ideas for taking life less seriously.
Of course, even though this is simple, it's not necessarily easy. Every person has got momentum going which resists accepting the present. Through years and years of this drive motivating us through life it can be difficult to train ourselves into a more relaxed state. But it is possible! And when we do relax into who we really are, we find our enneagram number to be a gift instead of a curse. Click here to see examples of people who are using/have used their fixation in a heroic way.
I have made a sequence of videos and to show how each enneagram type moves away from the state of joy towards despair. They also show how, at any point, it is possible to move back towards joy. I am inspired by many teachers, especially Abraham-Hicks, A. H. Almaas and Eckhart Tolle. In my own way, I have tried to express an authentic 'feel' for what it is like to be each type.
Click on the numbers below to be taken to that particular video. You can go to my sister site 'The Forgotten Game' to get more ideas for taking life less seriously.