Happiness for Enneagram Type Nines
A Nine has a few typical traps:
If you are a Nine, sit still and quietly and notice how easy it all feels, your mind drifts naturally around but troubles and stress seem so distant from you.
The main tip for a type Nine is to let the attention rest fully on the emotions, and really notice all the layers, some pleasant and some not so pleasant. There is a tendency to drift away from the negative emotions that are bottled up to thoughts that are more easy. The Nine can keep reminding themselves that there is nothing wrong, and that this is a good process and then when the moment feels right start to let the anger and the worries out, enjoying the feeling of aliveness that comes with them, almost like you are surfing waves! Little by little, it becomes possible to allow all the emotions to flow more freely but the lovely peaceful quality that Nines have will still be there too. The Nine will be aligned with all of themselves not just what they have previously mentally labelled the 'acceptable' bits. See the video above for demonstration.
- - Suppressing and ignoring their negative feelings.
- - Reflecting the identity of others instead of staying true to their own self.
- - 'Going with the flow' rather than taking ownership of their own life.
- - Acting stubbornly, passive-aggressively and secretively rather than just have a confrontation .
- - Becoming addicted to activities or substances that numb them.
If you are a Nine, sit still and quietly and notice how easy it all feels, your mind drifts naturally around but troubles and stress seem so distant from you.
The main tip for a type Nine is to let the attention rest fully on the emotions, and really notice all the layers, some pleasant and some not so pleasant. There is a tendency to drift away from the negative emotions that are bottled up to thoughts that are more easy. The Nine can keep reminding themselves that there is nothing wrong, and that this is a good process and then when the moment feels right start to let the anger and the worries out, enjoying the feeling of aliveness that comes with them, almost like you are surfing waves! Little by little, it becomes possible to allow all the emotions to flow more freely but the lovely peaceful quality that Nines have will still be there too. The Nine will be aligned with all of themselves not just what they have previously mentally labelled the 'acceptable' bits. See the video above for demonstration.