Enneagram Motors

You should only be on this page if you have read the Enneagam Type Test page. If you have come straight here, go back and do the 30-second exercise described on that page before returning here. Don't scroll down this page until you have done it!
The particular enneagram 'motor' you have will keep moving, creating a particular experience for you. Look through the experiences below to see which one you most identify with and then click to discover the type you probably are. Note: If you meditate regularly, your motor will be calmer, so you will need to pay closer attention to a subtler experience.
I believe that we have all types within us to different degrees. We have a main type, of course, but and also have two others that are particularly strong (some call these three our tri-type). Joshua is 4-7-9, for example. The other 6 types we have in us, but not as strong. Bear this in mind when reading the experiences below. Try and find the three that were most like your experience and you should be able to find your tri-type, or at least your main type amongst them.
The particular enneagram 'motor' you have will keep moving, creating a particular experience for you. Look through the experiences below to see which one you most identify with and then click to discover the type you probably are. Note: If you meditate regularly, your motor will be calmer, so you will need to pay closer attention to a subtler experience.
I believe that we have all types within us to different degrees. We have a main type, of course, but and also have two others that are particularly strong (some call these three our tri-type). Joshua is 4-7-9, for example. The other 6 types we have in us, but not as strong. Bear this in mind when reading the experiences below. Try and find the three that were most like your experience and you should be able to find your tri-type, or at least your main type amongst them.
A. You didn't do the test because you don't like being told what to do. You may have thought that Joshua (the guy who made up this test) doesn't know what he's talking about. If you did do it, it is because you are determined to find out your enneagram type and are not going to let anything stop you. It was easy because you find most things easy. If this sounds like your experience, click here.
B. It was no challenge for you to sit still for 30 seconds with your eyes closed. In fact, you got straight into a suitable pose and completed the exercise very well. You had a strong image of what you looked like, sitting there, wearing whatever are wearing and were pleased with that image, a bit like you were watching yourself in a movie. You felt confident that you were not going to find out anything about yourself you didn't like. If this sounds like your experience, click here.
C. Immediately, you didn't like the idea of sitting still and doing nothing. You quite possibly didn't bother doing it, or at least not for the whole 30 seconds. You felt bored, restless and started to plan what you are going to do next. If you did complete the task, you probably had to think of ways to make it more enjoyable to get through it. If this sounds like your experience, click here.
D. You were suspicious of this test. Was there going to be a trick to it? You felt a bit uneasy and anxious about it. Would it even work? Would it reveal something you didn't want to know about yourself? Lots of doubts kept coming up and you found it difficult to stop your thoughts. If this sounds like your experience, click here.
E. You found it quite easy to close your eyes for thirty seconds. It felt comfortable and you could happily go on for longer. Your attention drifts naturally from thing to another and... then you started to wonder if this is about 30 seconds yet and decided, yes, it probably is and opened your eyes. If this sounds like your experience, click here.
F. You had no problems starting this exercise, but almost immediately, your attention started to settle on your emotions. It felt like something was not quite right but you couldn't quite tell what. Your emotions seemed unstable like they might suddenly plummet to despair at any minute. You might not have been able to get thoughts out of your head that make you feel negative in some way. If this sounds like your experience, click here.
G. You were OK with doing this test and didn't find it particularly difficult, but naturally your thoughts focussed on another person. Perhaps you thought about Joshua (the guy who made the test) and thought he would appreciate you taking the time to do the test and maybe you considered getting in contact to let me know. Instead, perhaps you thought about someone else who might benefit from taking this test. You thought about contacting them to let them know about it. If this sounds like your experience, click here.
H. The test seemed rather odd and you hoped it wouldn't be a waste of time. However, you found it easy to resist the temptation of skipping ahead. When your eyes were shut, you started to notice all sorts of things that were not quite right in some way. Perhaps you needed to adjust your posture, or there were unnecessary noises that were distracting you, or your mind was too active and you felt irritated with it (or with yourself for not being able to control it). If this sounds like your experience, click here.
I. Although you may have had doubts about such a simple exercise being of any use, you had no problems doing it. You are interested in the enneagram and are keen to discover more about how it works or how your mind works. By doing this test, you were either going to find out something that you could add to your mental library of knowledge, or you were going to know that this site wasn't very useful so you could avoid coming back here again. If this sounds like your experience, click here.